1// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED2pragma solidity ^0.8.20;3import {IPuzzle} from "curta/src/interfaces/IPuzzle.sol";4
5// NOTE: This is PUZZLE.SOL file -- NERVCommand.huff file is concatenated below.6// Find both files and a working example at : https://github.com/devtooligan/curta-elohim7
8/**9 * () ^^ - ( )-10 * | v ' / | \ `11 * //****\\ .12 * =======// * * \\====== <13 * ///===\ //\\____// ===\\\ . ^ ^14 * ||| \| |/ \\\15 * ||| | O---O | \\\___.... . . .16 * ||| | - | \\\///oo///=-=-=-*>*>*>17 * X|X | | XX|X===////'' : ' ( ` /18 * ()||\ | O---O | ^^^^ _________ * _|19 * | / \ // /\ \\ | o o o o | **__/||\_20 * \\ \ \ \\ ____ | o o o o |___ ** O O |21 * \\ \ \ || |o o| /|==| o o o o | - |____ | O O |22 * || || \ || |o o| /=| | o o o o | - | == || O O |23 * /_____\ /_____\ | |/ | | o ||| o | | = || |^|^| |\24 *25 * Elohim: The Fifth Impact26 * =====================================27 *28 * In the looming shadow of impending annihilation, humanity confronts an unparalleled menace29 * — the Elohim. These warrior angels wield weapons of insurmountable destruction and can30 * communicate with their hive through their ethereal antennae. A single Elohim scout has31 * arrived on Earth signaling the ominous advance of an entire fleet, poised to unleash the32 * cataclysmic Fifth Impact upon our world.33 *34 * From the depths of NERV Command, a beacon of hope emerges: Eva Units Seven, Eight, Nine,35 * and Ten. These quantum-linked marvels of technology, can synchronize under the command of a36 * single pilot.37 *38 * Now the destiny of Tokyo-3 and all of Earth hinges upon you, pilot.39 *40 * Can you master the four Evas, quell the Elohim threat, and unlock their DNA sequence to41 * halt the impending invasion?42 *43 * In this climactic clash of unity and chaos, where humanity's essence is laid bare, the44 * moment has arrived to brave the unknown. Are you prepared to become the savior, our final45 * hope in the darkest hour?46 *47 * The Fifth Impact looms, and the ultimate battle ignites.48 */49
50contract Puzzle is IPuzzle {51 error QuantumOpcodeError(bytes1 opcode);52
53 address public NERV;54 address internal impl;55 address internal immutable addressThis;56 address internal immutable owner;57
58 constructor(address nerv_) {59 NERV = nerv_;60 impl = address(this);61 addressThis = address(this);62 owner = msg.sender;63 }64
65 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////66 // CORE PILOT FUNCTIONS //67 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////68
69 function name() external pure returns (string memory) {70 return "Elohim";71 }72
73 /// @dev This function returns the pilot's account address.74 function generate(address _seed) external pure returns (uint256) {75 return uint160(_seed);76 }77
78 function verify(uint256 pilotAddress, uint256 input) external view returns (bool worldSaved) {79 return Puzzle(impl)._verify(pilotAddress, input);80 }81
82 function _verify(uint256 pilotAddress, uint256 input) external view returns (bool worldSaved) {83 /******************************* input ***************************************************84 ** | Evangelion | Eva | Elohim DNA | Simulator **85 ** | Control Address | Config | Prediction | Difficulty **86 ** 0x 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF00112233 A1A2A3A3 AAAAAAAAAAAAAA 18 **87 *****************************************************************************************/88 require(msg.sender == addressThis, "ser, this is a wendy's");89 address pilot = address(uint160(pilotAddress));90
91 /** Simulator Difficulty */92 uint8 difficulty = uint8(input);93 _validateSimulatorDifficulty(difficulty, pilot);94
95 /** Elohim DNA96 It's up to you to develop an algorithm that can predict the Elohim's DNA sequence in97 advance. If you can do it, we can develop genetic weaponry to take on the invaders and98 we just might have a chance at saving the world. */99 uint56 dnaVerification = uint56(uint256(input >> 8));100
101 /** Eva Config102 The Eva configuration is based on a combination of the pilot's DNA and time-dependent103 environmental factors. These settings must be used in the submitted input, pilot. */104 uint256 config = (input & CONFIG_MASK) >> 64;105 if (generateEvaConfig(pilot, difficulty) != config) revert("invalid eva config");106 uint256[] memory configVals = new uint256[](4);107 for (uint256 idx; idx < 4; ++idx) {108 configVals[idx] = uint8(config >> (3 - idx) * 8);109 }110
111 /** Evangelion Control Address */112 address solutionAddress = address(uint160((input & ADDRESS_MASK) >> 96));113 _validateEvangelionControlProtocol(solutionAddress, difficulty); /**114
116 ██████████████████████████████████████████████117 █░░░░░░█████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█118 █░░▄▀░░█████████░░▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀░░█░░▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀░░█119 █░░▄▀░░█████████░░▄▀░░░░░░░░░░█░░▄▀░░░░░░░░░░█120 █░░▄▀░░█████████░░▄▀░░█████████░░▄▀░░█████████121 █░░▄▀░░█████████░░▄▀░░░░░░░░░░█░░▄▀░░█████████122 █░░▄▀░░█████████░░▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀░░█░░▄▀░░██░░░░░░█123 █░░▄▀░░█████████░░▄▀░░░░░░░░░░█░░▄▀░░██░░▄▀░░█124 █░░▄▀░░█████████░░▄▀░░█████████░░▄▀░░██░░▄▀░░█125 █░░▄▀░░░░░░░░░░█░░▄▀░░█████████░░▄▀░░░░░░▄▀░░█126 █░░▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀░░█░░▄▀░░█████████░░▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀░░█127 █░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█░░░░░░█████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█128 ██████████████████████████████████████████████129 Defeat the Elohim130
131 You're cleared to establish Eva-link with NERV Command...132 This is it pilot -- good luck and God speed! */133 (uint256 s2EngineCheck, uint256 dnaSampled) = callNERVCommand(solutionAddress, configVals, difficulty);134
136 // Post-op S2 Engine integrity check137 _superSolenoidEngineCheck(s2EngineCheck, difficulty);138
140 // Are ya winning, son?141 worldSaved = dnaSampled == dnaVerification;142 }143
144 // Syncing with an Evangelion is a delicate process.145 // Configuration settings are based on the pilot's DNA and temporal environment factors.146 // All configuration settings must be valid quantum values -- 0x69 is sacred.147 function generateEvaConfig(address _seed, uint8 difficulty) public view returns (uint256 actualSeed) {148 uint256 adjustedBlock;149 if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_HARD) adjustedBlock = block.number >> 7;150 if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_INSANE) adjustedBlock = block.number >> 5;151 if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_IMPOSSIBLE) adjustedBlock = block.number >> 3;152 if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_CHAINLIGHT) adjustedBlock = block.number;153
154 uint32 hash = uint32(bytes4(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_seed, adjustedBlock))));155
156 uint256 val;157 uint256 shiftAmount;158 for (uint256 idx; idx < 4; ++idx) {159 shiftAmount = (3 - idx) * 8;160 val = uint8(hash >> shiftAmount);161 if (val <= 0x1 || !_isValidQuantumValue(bytes1(uint8(val)), difficulty)) {162 val = 0x69;163 }164 actualSeed |= (val << shiftAmount);165 }166 }167
168 function callNERVCommand(address solutionAddress, uint256[] memory configVals, uint8 difficulty)169 public170 view171 returns (uint256 s2EngineCheck, uint256 dnaSampled)172 {173 /**174 __ _._.,._.__175 .o8888888888888888P'176 .d88888888888888888K177 ,8 888888888888888888888boo._178 :88b 888888888888888888888888888b.179 `Y8b 88888888888888888888888888888b.180 `Yb. d8888888888888888888888888888888b181 `Yb.___.88888888888888888888888888888888888b182 `Y888888888888888888888888888888CG88888P"'183 `88888888888888888888888888888MM88P"'184 "Y888K "Y8P""Y888888888888888888888888oo._""""185 88888b 8 8888`Y88888888888888888888888oo.186 8"Y8888b 8 8888 ,8888888888888888888888888o,187 8 "Y8888b8 8888""Y8`Y8888888888888888888888b.188 8 "Y8888 8888 Y `Y8888888888888888888888189 8 "Y88 8888 .d `Y88888888888888888888b190 .d8b. "8 .d8888b..d88P `Y88888888888888888888191 `Y88888888888888888b.192 "Y888P""Y8b. "Y888888888888888888888193 888 888 Y888`Y888888888888888194 888 d88P Y88b `Y8888888888888195 888"Y88K" Y88b dPY8888888888P196 888 Y88b Y88dP `Y88888888b197 888 Y88b Y8P `Y8888888198 .d888b. Y88b. Y `Y88888199 `Y88K200 `Y8*/201
202 (bool success, bytes memory data) = address(NERV).staticcall(203 abi.encode(204 solutionAddress,205 configVals[0],206 configVals[1],207 configVals[2],208 configVals[3],209 difficulty210 )211 );212 require(success, "link interrupted");213 uint256 dnaSampledFull;214 (s2EngineCheck, dnaSampledFull) = abi.decode(data, (uint256, uint256));215 dnaSampled = uint56(dnaSampledFull);216 }217
218 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////219 // VALIDATIONS //220 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////221
222 function _validateSimulatorDifficulty(uint8 difficulty, address pilot) internal pure {223 /** There are 4 levels of difficulty that pilots can choose when entering the simulator:224
225 0x01 - HARD226 0x02 - INSANE227 0x03 - IMPOSSIBLE228 0x18 - CHAINLIGHT229
230 Pilot ranked #1 on the Curta leaderboard must select CHAINLIGHT231 Pilots ranked #2-#10 on the Curta leaderboard must select at least level IMPOSSIBLE232 Pilots ranked #11-#25 must select at least difficulty level INSANE233 All other pilots must select at least difficulty level HARD234
235 Warning: Choosing the CHAINLIGHT difficulty means engaging in a live battle with the236 Elohim. The number one rank on the leaderboard is required to engage in this mode, but237 anyone brave enough can also try. Evangelions lost in this mode CANNOT be revived.238
239 Choose your difficulty by setting the lowest byte of the solution to the desired difficulty240 level. Choosing a higher difficulty is guaranteed to bring you untold fame, new friends,241 and increased chances of finding a girlfriend. */242
243 bool valid;244 if (_isLeadeboardTopDog(pilot)) {245 valid = difficulty == DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_CHAINLIGHT;246 } else if (_isLeaderboardTop10(pilot)) {247 valid = _isDifficultyImpossibleOrHigher(difficulty);248 } else if (_isLeaderboardTop25(pilot)) {249 valid = _isDifficultyInsaneOrHigher(difficulty);250 } else {251 valid = difficulty == DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_HARD || _isDifficultyInsaneOrHigher(difficulty);252 }253
254 require(valid, "no plebs"); // you're like a pleb in a pillory in lieu of this exposé...255 }256
257 function _superSolenoidEngineCheck(uint256 s2EngineCheck, uint8 difficulty) internal pure {258 uint solenoidEngineThreshold;259 if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_CHAINLIGHT) {260 solenoidEngineThreshold = 3748;261 } else if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_IMPOSSIBLE) {262 solenoidEngineThreshold = 4000;263 } else if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_INSANE) {264 solenoidEngineThreshold = 4150;265 } else if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_HARD) {266 solenoidEngineThreshold = 4340;267 }268 require(s2EngineCheck <= solenoidEngineThreshold, "s2 engine failure");269 }270
271 function _isValidCodeSize(address solution, uint8 difficulty) internal view returns (bool) {272 uint256 maxCodeSize;273 if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_CHAINLIGHT) {274 maxCodeSize = 189;275 } else if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_IMPOSSIBLE) {276 maxCodeSize = 222;277 } else if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_INSANE) {278 maxCodeSize = 300;279 } else if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_HARD) {280 maxCodeSize = 466;281 }282 return solution.code.length <= maxCodeSize;283 }284
285 function _isValidQuantumValue(bytes1 opcd, uint8 difficulty) internal pure returns (bool) {286 if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_CHAINLIGHT) {287 if (opcd == 0x18 || opcd == 0x42 || opcd == 0x44 ||288 opcd == 0x46 || opcd == 0x48) return false;289 }290 if (_isDifficultyImpossibleOrHigher(difficulty)) {291 if (opcd == 0x34 || opcd == 0x33 || opcd == 0x39 ||292 opcd == 0x3f || opcd == 0x40) return false;293 }294 if (_isDifficultyInsaneOrHigher(difficulty)) {295 if (opcd == 0xF1 || opcd == 0xF2 || opcd == 0xF4 ||296 opcd == 0xFa || opcd == 0xFe) return false;297 }298 return !(opcd == 0xf5 || opcd == 0xff);299 }300
301 function _validateQuantamValues(address solution, uint8 difficulty) internal view {302 bytes memory bts = solution.code;303 for (uint256 idx; idx < bts.length; ++idx) {304 if (!_isValidQuantumValue(bts[idx], difficulty)) revert QuantumOpcodeError(bts[idx]);305 }306 }307
308 function _isValidAddress(address solution, uint8 difficulty) public pure returns (bool valid) {309 if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_HARD) {310 uint256 topBit = uint160(solution) >> 159;311 valid = topBit == 1;312 }313 if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_INSANE) {314 valid = bytes1(bytes20(solution)) == bytes1(uint8(0x69));315 }316 if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_IMPOSSIBLE) {317 valid = bytes2(bytes20(solution)) == bytes2(uint16(0x0420));318 }319 if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_CHAINLIGHT) {320 valid = bytes3(bytes20(solution)) == bytes3(uint24(0x181818));321 }322 }323
324 function _validateEvangelionControlProtocol(address solution, uint8 difficulty) internal view {325 /** You're not a rookie any more, pilot.326
327 Runtime gas limits, bytecode size restraints, opcode restrictions, and vanity addresses are328 just par for the course. Let's do this and get on the battle field. */329 require(_isValidAddress(solution, difficulty), "mining failure");330 require(_isValidCodeSize(solution, difficulty), "too long! twss");331 _validateQuantamValues(solution, difficulty);332 }333
334 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////335 // UTILITIES //336 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////337
338 function _isLeadeboardTopDog(address addr) internal pure returns (bool) {339 return addr == LEADERBOARD_1_ADDRESS;340 }341
342 function _isLeaderboardTop10(address addr) internal pure returns (bool) {343 return addr == LEADERBOARD_2_ADDRESS || addr == LEADERBOARD_3_ADDRESS ||344 addr == LEADERBOARD_4_ADDRESS || addr == LEADERBOARD_5_ADDRESS ||345 addr == LEADERBOARD_6_ADDRESS || addr == LEADERBOARD_7_ADDRESS ||346 addr == LEADERBOARD_8_ADDRESS || addr == LEADERBOARD_9_ADDRESS ||347 addr == LEADERBOARD_10_ADDRESS;348 }349
350 function _isLeaderboardTop25(address addr) internal pure returns (bool) {351 return addr == LEADERBOARD_11_ADDRESS || addr == LEADERBOARD_12_ADDRESS ||352 addr == LEADERBOARD_13_ADDRESS || addr == LEADERBOARD_14_ADDRESS ||353 addr == LEADERBOARD_15_ADDRESS || addr == LEADERBOARD_16_ADDRESS ||354 addr == LEADERBOARD_17_ADDRESS || addr == LEADERBOARD_18_ADDRESS ||355 addr == LEADERBOARD_19_ADDRESS || addr == LEADERBOARD_20_ADDRESS ||356 addr == LEADERBOARD_21_ADDRESS || addr == LEADERBOARD_22_ADDRESS ||357 addr == LEADERBOARD_23_ADDRESS || addr == LEADERBOARD_24_ADDRESS ||358 addr == LEADERBOARD_25_ADDRESS;359 }360
361 function _isDifficultyImpossibleOrHigher(uint8 difficulty) internal pure returns (bool) {362 return difficulty == DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_IMPOSSIBLE ||363 difficulty == DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_CHAINLIGHT;364 }365
366 function _isDifficultyInsaneOrHigher(uint8 difficulty) internal pure returns (bool) {367 return difficulty == DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_INSANE ||368 _isDifficultyImpossibleOrHigher(difficulty);369 }370
372 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////373 // STATIC VALUES //374 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////375
376 uint256 constant ADDRESS_MASK = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000000000000000000000000;377 uint256 constant CONFIG_MASK = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFF0000000000000000;378 uint256 constant ANSWER_MASK = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFF00;379
380 uint8 constant DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_HARD = 0x1;381 uint8 constant DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_INSANE = 0x2;382 uint8 constant DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_IMPOSSIBLE = 0x3;383 uint8 constant DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_CHAINLIGHT = 0x18; // 퍼즐 난이도 18이라니, 대박! 화이팅!384
385 address constant LEADERBOARD_1_ADDRESS = 0xB49bf876BE26435b6fae1Ef42C3c82c5867Fa149; // chainlight.io386 address constant LEADERBOARD_2_ADDRESS = 0x6E82554d7C496baCcc8d0bCB104A50B772d22a1F; // minimooger.eth387 address constant LEADERBOARD_3_ADDRESS = 0x4a69B81A2cBEb3581C61d5087484fBda2Ed39605; // jinu.eth388 address constant LEADERBOARD_4_ADDRESS = 0x14869c6bF40BBc73e45821F7c28FD792151b3f9A; // igorline.eth389 address constant LEADERBOARD_5_ADDRESS = 0x0Fc363b52E49074a395B075a6814Cb8F37E8F8BE; // p0pular.eth390 address constant LEADERBOARD_6_ADDRESS = 0xBDfeB5439f5daecb78A17Ff846645A8bDBbF5725; // datadanne.eth391 address constant LEADERBOARD_7_ADDRESS = 0x2de14DB256Db2597fe3c8Eed46eF5b20bA390823; // eoa.sina.eth392 address constant LEADERBOARD_8_ADDRESS = 0xB95777719Ae59Ea47A99e744AfA59CdcF1c410a1; // 0xcacti.eth393 address constant LEADERBOARD_9_ADDRESS = 0xd4057e08B9d484d70C5977784fC1f6D82d45ff67; // kalzak.eth394 address constant LEADERBOARD_10_ADDRESS = 0x97735C60c5E3C2788b7EE570306775e687095D19; // plotchy.eth395 address constant LEADERBOARD_11_ADDRESS = 0x4790c165A2c4B37527B56ac7772B792912C46329;396 address constant LEADERBOARD_12_ADDRESS = 0x0DEdcE798692E8C668d67e430151106aBC9ABCe1; // ngndev.eth397 address constant LEADERBOARD_13_ADDRESS = 0x433EA2df6D7c567B1Dd55e3FB99512222Cb23d95; // ragepit.eth398 address constant LEADERBOARD_14_ADDRESS = 0x79d31bFcA5Fda7A4F15b36763d2e44C99D811a6C; // horsefacts.eth399 address constant LEADERBOARD_15_ADDRESS = 0x0165f91FAF9EDeb9C5817c7a3c92110aa5329BeA; // pa-tate.eth400 address constant LEADERBOARD_16_ADDRESS = 0x58593392d72A9D90b133e1C8ecEec581C354687f; // sampriti.eth401 address constant LEADERBOARD_17_ADDRESS = 0x03433830468d771A921314D75b9A1DeA53C165d7; // karmafacts.eth402 address constant LEADERBOARD_18_ADDRESS = 0x79635b386B9bd6636Cd701879C32E6dd181C853F; // vicnaum.eth403 address constant LEADERBOARD_19_ADDRESS = 0x6b756b6905A07be65FD59b50e58dD4C965C32500;404 address constant LEADERBOARD_20_ADDRESS = 0x9470Ab9c3aAc221A57e94F522659D4327C5EAdEd; // sileo.eth405 address constant LEADERBOARD_21_ADDRESS = 0x5f71a197D303Cd700511323976067ECe43dE8AD0; // shung.crypto-frens.eth406 address constant LEADERBOARD_22_ADDRESS = 0x5DFfD5527551888c2AC47f799c4Dc8e830dECeE7; // sina.eth407 address constant LEADERBOARD_23_ADDRESS = 0xC6868e56b7BeCd885102fdaF33137F1712Bcf1d7; // 0xkitetsu.eth408 address constant LEADERBOARD_24_ADDRESS = 0x7976B5A96Dc857309498E8Ab0d342117c7C9e6c5; // adamegyed.eth409 address constant LEADERBOARD_25_ADDRESS = 0x286cD2FF7Ad1337BaA783C345080e5Af9bBa0b6e; // forager.eth410
411 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////412 // NERV COMMAND SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIRED //413 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////414
415 function setNERV(address nerv_) external {416 require(msg.sender == owner);417 NERV = nerv_;418 }419 function properRug(address newImpl) external {420 require(msg.sender == owner);421 impl = newImpl;422 }423}424
425// ================END-OF-FILE: Puzzle.sol====================================================================================426
429// ================BEGIN-FILE: NERVCommand.huff====================================================================================430/**431
432 ███╗░░██╗███████╗██████╗░██╗░░░██╗ ██╗░░██╗░██████╗░433 ████╗░██║██╔════╝██╔══██╗██║░░░██║ ██║░░██║██╔═══██╗434 ██╔██╗██║█████╗░░██████╔╝╚██╗░██╔╝ ███████║██║██╗██║435 ██║╚████║██╔══╝░░██╔══██╗░╚████╔╝░ ██╔══██║╚██████╔╝436 ██║░╚███║███████╗██║░░██║░░╚██╔╝░░ ██║░░██║░╚═██╔═╝░437 ╚═╝░░╚══╝╚══════╝╚═╝░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░░ ╚═╝░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░438 God's in His heaven, all's right with the world439
440 ┌─┬────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬─┐441 │ ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │442 │ │ // S // S //================\\ S \\ S \ │ │443 │ │ // S // S // \\ S \\ S \\ │ │444 │ │ ┌────────────────────────────┐ ┌────────────────────────────┐ │ │445 │ │ │DANANG TYPE-8 DEFENSE SCREEN│ ___ │TIME TO COLLAPSE : 223.229 │ │ │446 │ │ └────────────────────────────┘ \ \ └────────────────────────────┘ │ │447 │ │ // S // S // \ X \ \\ S \\ S \\ │ │448 │ │ // S // S // \ X \_________ \\ S \\ S \\ │ │449 │ │ // S // S // \ CELEBRUM/ \\ S \\ S \\ │ │450 │ │ // S // S // /01 _______/ \\ S \\ S \\ │ │451 │ │ \\ S \\ S \\ / M / // S // S // │ │452 │ │ \\ S \\ S \\ / A / // S // S // │ │453 │ │ \\ S \\ S \\ / G / // S // S // │ │454 │ │ \\ S \\ S \\ /_I_/ // S // S // │ │455 │ │ ┌────────────────────────────┐ ┌────────────────────────────┐ │ │456 │ │ │PROTECT NO. 666 ON MAGI-01 │ │TIME SINCE/SCREEN RAISED 009│ │ │457 │ │ └────────────────────────────┘ └────────────────────────────┘ │ │458 │ │ \\ S \\ S \\ // S // S // │ │459 │ │ \\ S \\ S \\================// S // S // │ │460 │ ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │461 └─┴────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┴─462
463 ================================EVANGELION-ERROR-CODES==============================464 XX XX465 XX 0001 - Evangelion synchronization failed XX466 XX 0002 - Wave 1 - Invalid Evangelion response XX467 XX 0003 - Super Solenoid Engine failure XX468 XX 0004 - AT Field Fragmentation XX469 XX 0005 - Soul Sync Out of Bounds XX470 XX 0006 - Zero-Time Disruption XX471 XX 0007 - Alpha Z881 XX472 XX 0008 - Elohim DNA mismatch XX473 XX 0009 - Fracked Inner Core XX474 XX 0010 - Soul Pattern Unknown XX475 XX 0011 - Angelic Code Injection XX476 XX 0012 - Instrumentation Query Malfunction XX477 XX 0013 - Quantum Energy Flux XX478 XX 0014 - LCL Anomaly Detected XX479 XX 0015 - Soul Sync Cascade Failure XX480 XX 0016 - Eva Unit Energy Flux XX481 XX XX482 ===================================================================================483*/484
485 #define function eva_SEVEN() nonpayable returns ()486 #define function eva_EIGHT() nonpayable returns ()487 #define function eva_NINE() nonpayable returns ()488 #define function eva_TEN() nonpayable returns ()489 #define constant DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_HARD = 0x1490 #define constant DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_INSANE = 0x2491 #define constant DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_IMPOSSIBLE = 0x3492 #define constant LIVE_MODE_ACTIVATED = 0x18493 #define constant CD_EVA_CONTROL_ADDRESS = 0x0494 #define constant SIMULATOR_SETTING = 0xa0495 #define constant MAX_GAS_FOR_EVA = 0x30d40496 #define macro MAIN() = takes (0) returns (0) {497
498 //╱╱╱╱ ╱╱ ╱╱ ╱╱╱ ╱╱╱╱ ╱╱╱╱╱╱╱ ╱╱╱╱╱╱╱ ╱╱ ╱╱╱╱╱499 //╱╱╱ ╱ ╱╱ ╱╱╱ ╱ ╱ ╱ ╱╱╭╮╱╱/╱╱ ╱╱╱╭╮╱╱╱╱╱╭╮ ╱╱500 //╱╱╱╱╱ ╱╱ ╱ ╱╱╱ ╱╱ ╱╱╱┃┃╱╱╱╱╱╱╱╱╭╯╰╮╱╱╱╱┃┃ ╱╱501 //╱╭━━┳━━┳╮╭┳╮╭┳━━┳━╮╭━╯┃╭━━┳━━┳━╋╮╭╋━┳━━┫┃ ╱╱502 //╱┃╭━┫╭╮┃╰╯┃╰╯┃╭╮┃╭╮┫╭╮┃┃╭━┫╭╮┃╭╮┫┃┃╭┫╭╮┃┃ ╱╱503 //╱┃╰━┫╰╯┃┃┃┃┃┃┃╭╮┃┃┃┃╰╯┃┃╰━┫╰╯┃┃┃┃╰┫┃┃╰╯┃╰╮╱╱504 // ╰━━┻━━┻┻┻┻┻┻┻╯╰┻╯╰┻━━╯╰━━┻━━┻╯╰┻━┻╯╰━━┻━╯505
508 /** *************************** */509 /** ** !!!START HERE!!! ** */510 /** *************************** */511
512 /** 5F Push Zero to Initiate Attack513 |514 \ | /515 \*/516 0x00517
518 /** がんばって!*/519
520 WAVE1()521
522 /** ファイト!*/523
524 WAVE2()525
527 // | \\528
530 // \\531
532 /** WAVE's 1 and 2 are complete. The Elohim appears to be down...533 .534 ..535 ...536 ....537 ..............................................................................................538 ==> HARD and INSANE mode skip this part and proceed directly to fin: <==539
540 ███████╗██╗ ██╗██╗██████╗541 ██╔════╝██║ ██╔╝██║██╔══██╗542 ███████╗█████╔╝ ██║██████╔╝543 ╚════██║██╔═██╗ ██║██╔═══╝544 ███████║██║ ██╗██║██║545 ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝╚═╝546 ==> HARD and INSANE mode skip this part and proceed directly to fin: <==547 ..............................................................................................548 */549 [SIMULATOR_SETTING] calldataload [DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_HARD] eq550 [SIMULATOR_SETTING] calldataload [DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_INSANE] eq or fin jumpi/**551 ..............................................................................................552 .....553 ....554 ...555 ..556 .557
558 NERV Commmand: Come in pilot! Sensors indicating the Elohim is still showing signs of life...559
560 We need you to finish it off with two final attack waves. Go, go, go!561
562 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> */ ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE2()563
564 /*************************/565 /** LIVE MODE ONLY!! *//** /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/// */566 /** */ [SIMULATOR_SETTING] calldataload [LIVE_MODE_ACTIVATED] // */567 /** in simuluation mode */ eq iszero fin jumpi // */568 /** skip this section *//** /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/// */569 /** and proceed to final */570 /** * ->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->-> * \ . | * . . . * | . / */571 /** * ->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->-> */ THE_FIFTH_IMPACT() // *572 /*********************** * ->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->-> * / ' | * . . . * | ' \ */573
574 /** -/;.'/.`// \.*;'/+.`',.'-/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ / ..,`*.&/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ /;'.* \.;*-,.\ */575 /** -/;.'/.`// \.*;'/+.`',.'-/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ / ..,`*.&/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ /;'.* \.;*-,.\ */576 /** -/;.'/.`// \.*;'/+.`',.'-/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ / ..,`*.&/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ /;'.* \.;*-,.\ */577 /** -/;.'/.`// \.*;'/+.`',.'-/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ / ..,`*.&/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ /;'.* \.;*-,.\ */578 /** -/;.'/.`// \.*;'/+.`',.'-/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ / ..,`*.&/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ /;'.* \.;*-,.\ */579 /** -/;.'/.`// \.*;'/+.`',.'-/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ / ..,`*.&/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ /;'.* \.;*-,.\580 ___581 |__ | |\ |582 | | | \|583
584 -/;.'/.`// \.*;'/+.`',.'-/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ / ..,`*.&/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ /;'.* \.;*-,.\ */585 /** -/;.'/.`// \.*;'/+.`',.'-/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ / ..,`*.&/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ /;'.* \.;*-,.\ */586 /** -/;.'/.`// \.*;'/+.`',.'-/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ / ..,`*.&/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ /;'.* \.;*-,.\ */587 /** -/;.'/.`// \.*;'/+.`',.'-/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ / ..,`*.&/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ /;'.* \.;*-,.\ */588 /** -/;.'/.`// \.*;'/+.`',.'-/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ / ..,`*.&/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ /;'.* \.;*-,.\ */589 /** -/;.'/.`// \.*;'/+.`',.'-/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ / ..,`*.&/';.&,;'.* \.;*-,.\ /;'.* \.;*-,.\ */590
591 fin:592 /** You made it through, pilot. Did you predict the correct DNA sequence? */593
594 0x20 mstore 0x00 mstore 0x40 0x00595 return596 }597
599// ================================EVANGELION-OPERATIONAL-MANDATES=================+MAGI-01-ORIGINAL600
601#define macro ZERO_TIME_SOUL_SYNC(errorcode) = takes (1) returns (0) {602 no_fail jumpi603 <errorcode> 0x00 mstore 0x20 0x00 revert604 no_fail:605}606
607#define macro ALPHA_Z8881() = takes (0) returns (0) {608 returndatasize 0x20 eq all_good jumpi609 0x7 0x00 mstore 0x20 0x00 revert610 all_good:611}612
613#define macro ANALYZE_EVA_RESPONSE() = takes (1) returns (0) {614 ZERO_TIME_SOUL_SYNC(0x01) ALPHA_Z8881()615}616
618// ================================EVANGELION-ATTACK-MANDATES=====================+MAGI-02-ORIGINAL619
620#define macro WAVE1() = takes (0) returns (0) {621 /** INITIATE SYNCHRONIZED ATTACK WAVE 0x1 */ ATTACK_WAVE1() /**622
623 \\624 - \\ . ^625 \ . ^ ^626 _ ===7===== / *)627 ========= \ *)>> ()628 - / \\ |629 // \\ // ***\ \ ..630 \\ // \ =======// * * \\====== `631 \\ ===8===== / \> ///===\ //\\____// ===\\\ /632 \ - ========= \ /> ||| \| |/ \\\ ' "633=10====== / ()_ / ||| | O---O | \\\___....634========= \ () \\ // ||| | - | \\\///oo///=-=-=- .635 / \\ // X|X | | XX|X===////'' o `'636 // \ ()||\ | O---O | ^^^^ _____***637 // =9======= / .) | / \ // /\ \\ | o o o** .638 ========= \ .) \\ \ \ \\ ____ .| o o o |'639 / o ___ \\ \ \ || |o o| /|==| o o o |.640 . - // _____| O | || || \ || |o o| /=| | o o o |641 // |XXxO| O | /_____\ /_____\ | |/ | | o|| o |:642 */643}644
645#define macro WAVE2() = takes (0) returns (0) {646 /** This is it pilot! We need to finish this angel off and take a second DNA sample.647
648 The Elohim angels are reportedly capable of some unbelievable feats when they are649 close to death. It's even rumored that they can alter their own DNA.650
651 Watch your power levels and don't let your guard down! Good luck! */652
653 ATTACK_WAVE2_FINISH_HIM() /** Wave 0x2 - Let's end this now pilot! Aerial attack formation!654
656 . . \ \ ||657 9| | /658 ^ \\ || // o *659 \\ || //660 ^ \ z \ || / || . /661 \/\/ 10662 ^ ^ ^^^^ \\ || //663 ^ ^ ^ \ 00 \\ || // ,664 ^ ^ | \__/ \ || /665 ^ . \/\/666 || (XXX) "667 . 8| | \|/668 \\ || //669 \\ || // || / '670 \ || / 7|671 \/\/ \\ || // .672 (**) \\ || //673 ^ | \ || /674 . \/\/ .675 ()()676 \|677 _______678 (x )==O679 \ | )_ () ___....680 ______ \\\ | \'\///oo///=-=-=-*>*>*>681 O==(x ) \\ // *** \ ///XX|X===////''682 , \\======// o o \\====== //683 _______ =\ //\\__O_// ===\\\ .684 O==(x ) \| |/685 . | O---O | * .686 . / | - XxX| - "687 ** | x | \' * '688 _________ . * | O---O |689 | o o o o | ___^^^^_ // /\ \\ * * * .690 ____ | o o o o |___ | O O | \\ \ \ \\691 |o o| /|==| o o o o | - |____ | O O | \\ \ \ || . * ,692 |o o| /=| | o o o o | - | == || O O | || || \ ||693 | |/ | | o ||| o | | = || |^|^| |\ /_____\ /_____\ * ** * * ** */694}695
696#define macro THE_FIFTH_IMPACT() = takes (1) returns (1) {697 /** Good fighting so far, pilot! Congrats on taking out the scout Elohim.698 But now it's too late. An advance batallion of 100 Elohim has just landed!699 We don't have the genetic weapon ready yet so you'll have to engage these enemies,700 there is no other alternative. Can you defeat all of these foes? */701
702 //(f*zzz703 //704 //705 //*************************\\706 /** \ / **/707 /** 0 0 **/708 ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE1()709 ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE2()/** \\________________// */ ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE1()710 ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE1()711 ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE2()712 ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE2()713 ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE1()714 ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE2()715 ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE1()716 ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE1()717 ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE2()718 ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE2()719 ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE1()720 ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE1()721 ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE2()722 ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE1()723 ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE1()724 ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE2()725 ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE1()726 ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE2()727 ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE2()728 ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE1()729 ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE1()730 ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE2()731 ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE2()732 ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE1()733 ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE2()734 ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE1()735 ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE1()736 ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE2()737 /** ** * */ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE1() ATTACK_WAVE2() ATTACK_WAVE2() /** * * * *** * * **** ** ** *** *** * ** ** *** ** */738 /** * * *** * * ** ** *** ***** * * *** ****** * * ** * * * ****** **** * * ** ** ******* **** ** *** *** *** ** * * ** * ***** ** *** * * */739 /* * * * *** * * **** * * *** ****** * * ** * * * ****** **** * * ** ** ******* **** **** ** * ** ** *** *** *** ** * * ** * * ** *** * * *** */740 /** **b*zzz ** * * *** * * * ** *** ***** * * ** ** *** *** *** ** * * ** * ************* * *** * ** ** * ***** ** *** * * ** ** ** ** *** * */741}742
745// // ================================EVANGELION-ATTACK-UTILITIES=================+MAGI-03-ORIGINAL746
747#define fn ATTACK_WAVE1() = takes (1) returns (1) {748 0x07749 EVA_SEVEN()750 EVA_EIGHT()751 EVA_NINE()752 EVA_TEN()753 pop754}755
756#define macro EVA_SEVEN() = takes (2) returns (2) {757 __FUNC_SIG(eva_SEVEN) 0x00 mstore CONFIRM_EVA_CONTRACT()758}759
760#define macro EVA_EIGHT() = takes (2) returns (2) {761 __FUNC_SIG(eva_EIGHT) 0x00 mstore CONFIRM_EVA_CONTRACT()762}763
764#define macro EVA_NINE() = takes (2) returns (2) {765 __FUNC_SIG(eva_NINE) 0x00 mstore CONFIRM_EVA_CONTRACT()766}767
768#define macro EVA_TEN() = takes (2) returns (1) {769 __FUNC_SIG(eva_TEN) 0x00 mstore CONFIRM_EVA_CONTRACT()770}771
772#define macro ATTACK_WAVE2() = takes (1) returns (2) {773 __FUNC_SIG(eva_SEVEN) 0x00 mstore CALL_EVA_CONTRACT()774 __FUNC_SIG(eva_EIGHT) 0x00 mstore CALL_EVA_CONTRACT()775 __FUNC_SIG(eva_NINE) 0x00 mstore CALL_EVA_CONTRACT()776 __FUNC_SIG(eva_TEN) 0x00 mstore CALL_EVA_CONTRACT()777
778 // Angel neural resequencing779 add add add780 0x07 0x20 calldataload exp781 0x08 0x40 calldataload exp782 0x09 0x60 calldataload exp783 0x10 0x80 calldataload exp784 add add add785
786 dup1 swap2 eq ZERO_TIME_SOUL_SYNC(0x18)787 swap1 add788}789
790// Same as ATTACK_WAVE2 but this one includes a S2 Engine gas check791#define macro ATTACK_WAVE2_FINISH_HIM() = takes (1) returns (2) {792
793 gas794 __FUNC_SIG(eva_SEVEN) 0x00 mstore CALL_EVA_CONTRACT()795 __FUNC_SIG(eva_EIGHT) 0x00 mstore CALL_EVA_CONTRACT() add796 __FUNC_SIG(eva_NINE) 0x00 mstore CALL_EVA_CONTRACT() add797 __FUNC_SIG(eva_TEN) 0x00 mstore CALL_EVA_CONTRACT() add798 gas799
800 // Angel neural resequencing801 0x07 0x20 calldataload exp802 0x08 0x40 calldataload exp add803 0x09 0x60 calldataload exp add804 0x10 0x80 calldataload exp add805
806 dup1 swap3 eq ZERO_TIME_SOUL_SYNC(0x8)807
808 // Super Solenoid power level evaluation809 swap3 add swap2 swap1 sub swap1810}811
812#define macro CALL_EVA_CONTRACT() = takes (0) returns (1) {813 gas [MAX_GAS_FOR_EVA] lt814 ZERO_TIME_SOUL_SYNC(0x03)815
816 0x00 0x20 0x04 0x1c [CD_EVA_CONTROL_ADDRESS] calldataload [MAX_GAS_FOR_EVA] staticcall817 ANALYZE_EVA_RESPONSE()818 returndatasize 0x0 0x20 returndatacopy 0x20 mload819}820
821#define fn CONFIRM_EVA_CONTRACT() = takes (2) returns (2) {822 swap1823 CALL_EVA_CONTRACT()824
825 0x06 dup4 sub 0x20 mul calldataload dup4 swap1 exp dup2 eq826 ZERO_TIME_SOUL_SYNC(0x02)827 add swap1 0x01 add828}
Time Left
Solve locally (WIP)
- Clone GitHub repo + install deps
git clone https://github.com/waterfall-mkt/curta-puzzles.git && cd curta-puzzles && forge install
- Set
- Write solution + run script
forge script <PATH_TO_PUZZLE> -f mainnet -vvv
This is still WIP.