1. Credentials
  2. Puzzles
  3. Submitting Solutions

Submitting Solutions

Learn how to submit solutions and earn NFTs on Curta.

Using the UI

First, locate the solution form on the puzzle page:

Then, paste your solution into the input box and click Submit. Although this should be enough for most puzzles, the UI also provides advanced options to configure the amount of ETH and gas limit sent with the solve transaction.

Tipping the author

The Tip author button lets you configure the amount of ETH sent with the submission. Initially, the form autopopulates with the minimum amount required to submit a solution: 0.02 ETH during Phase 2; 0 ETH during all other Phases.

By having a minimum fee rather than a fixed fee, players can choose to "tip" authors they respect and show support.

Configuring the transaction

The Edit button lets you configure the gas limit and whether to simulate the transaction before enabling the submit button. Disabling means the UI will let you submit the transaction regardless of the results fetched via usePrepareContractWrite.

Calling the contract

To submit a solution by directly interacting with the Curta contract, call solve(uint32,uint256). This is helpful when the solution is complex (e.g. requires specific block number, multiple transactions/contract deploys, etc.) and more easily accomplished via a script.

/// @notice Mints an NFT if the provided solution solves the puzzle.
/// @param _puzzleId The ID of the puzzle.
/// @param _solution The solution.
function solve(uint32 _puzzleId, uint256 _solution) external;

Note that the transaction must be sent with a value of at least 0.02 ETH if the puzzle is in Phase 2.

Flag NFTs

Flag NFTs are minted to a solver upon submission of a valid solution and are the base credential for solving a puzzle. 100% of the solve data is stored onchain, but Flag NFTs package the data into a prettier, more human-readable format:

Flag Breakdown
OpenSeaOpenSea's logo.
Flag NFTs
View past Flag NFTs on OpenSea.

Additionally, if the solver was the first solver for the respective puzzle, an Authorship Token is minted to them.
